(Si us voleu marcar les guitarrades del boss, a sota teniu la tablatura).
A l'habitació de Candy
Hi ha fotos dels seus herois a la paret,
Però per arribar a l'habitació de Candy
Has de travessar la foscor del seu vestíbul,
Forasters de la ciutat,
Criden el seu nom i li porten llepolies,
Quan truque a la seva porta, ella em somriu,
Sap que vull ser el noi de Candy.
Hi ha una tristesa oculta en aquesta cara bonica,
Una tristesa que és només seva
De la qual cap home pot lliurar Candy
Ens besem, el meu cor bombant al meu cervell
La sang s'accelera per les meves venes,
Quan li dono petons a les cuixes de Candy,
Viatgem fins al profund de la nit,
Viatjo fins al profund de la llum
En els ulls de Candy.
Ella em diu: "Noi, si vols ser salvatge,
Tens molt a aprendre,
Tanca els ulls,
deixa que es fonguen,
Deixa que es bramen,
Deixa que cremin,
Perquè en la foscor,
Hi ha mons ocults que brillaran"
Quan abraço a Candy,
Ella fa meus els mons ocults.
Ella té roba de luxe i anells de diamants,
Ella té els homes que li donen tot el que vol,
Però no comprenen,
Que ella només em vol a mi.
Oh, i la vull tant,
Mai deixaré que marxe, no, no, no,
Sap que li donaria,
Tot el que tinc per donar
Tot el que desitge, tot el que visc,
Per fer a Candy meva
Aquesta nit
Candy's Room (Intro) 4bars drums G Dm7 C Dm7 C F C G --3--|--1-3-5-3-1--|--3--|--1-3-5-3-1--|--3--1-0--|--3--|-----| --3--|--1-------1--|--1--|--1-------1--|--1--1-1--|--0--|-----| --0--|--2-------2--|--0--|--2-------2--|--0--2-0--|--0--|-----| --0--|--0-------0--|--2--|--0-------0--|--2--3-2--|--0--|-----| --2--|-------------|--3--|-------------|--3--3-3--|--2--|-----| --3--|-------------|-----|-------------|-----1----|--3--|-----| (piano accompaniment f. verse arranged f. guitar) G Dm7 F In Candy's room there are pictures of her heroes on the wall C G To get to Candy's room you gotta walk the darkness of Candy's hall Dm7 F Strangers from the city call my baby's number and they bring her toys C G When I come knocking she smiles pretty she knows I wanna be Candy's boy C F There's a sadness hidden in that pretty face G C F A sadness all her own from which no man can keep Candy safe G Dm7 F We kiss and my heart's pumpin' to my brain C G The blood rushes in my veins fire rushes towards the sky Dm F We go driving driving deep into the night F C G I go driving deep into the light in Candy's eyes C F She says baby if you wanna be wild you got a lot to learn, close your eyes G C F Let them melt let them fire let them burn G Dm F `Cause in the darkness there'll be hidden worlds that shine F C G When I hold Candy close she makes these hidden worlds mine Bm A F#m --------|-------------------|--------|-------------------|--------|-------------------| -/12vvv-|-10-12-12/1412-10-|-/12vvv-|-10-12-12/1412-10-|-/12vvv-|-10-12-12/1412-10----| -s------|---------b--rb-----|-s------|---------b--rb-----|-s------|---------b--rb-----| --------|-------------------|--------|-------------------|--------|-------------------| --------|-------------------|--------|-------------------|--------|-------------------| --------|-------------------|--------|-------------------|--------|-------------------| G Bm A F#m --------|-/14-/14-|-/14vvv-/14vvv-|-14/1514-12-|---15/17vvv-|-------|---------------7-| -/12vvv-|-s---s---|-s------s------|---b--rb----|-15---b-----|-12vvv-|-----------------| -s------|---------|---------------|------------|------------|-------|---9vvv-7-9vvv---| --------|---------|---------------|------------|------------|-------|/7---------------| --------|---------|---------------|------------|------------|-------|s----------------| --------|---------|---------------|------------|------------|-------|-----------------| G ------------|----------|--17/19vvvv--| -------p----|----------|-------------| -9/119>7----|-9/11vvvv-|-------------| --b-rb----9-|----------|-------------| ------------|----------|-------------| ------------|----------|-------------| C G She has fancy clothes and diamond rings C G Dm F She has men who'll give her anything she wants but they don't see C G Dm F That what she wants is me, oh and I love her so F C G I'll never let her go no no no Dm F She knows that I'd give all that I got to give C G | Bm | Am | All that I want all that I live to make Candy mine Dm C Tonight G Dm7 C F Dm Bm A Am F#m -3--1---0--1--1---2--0--0--2-- -0--2---1--1--3---3--2--1--2-- -0--2---0--2--2---4--2--2--2-- -0--0---2--3--0---4--2--2--4-- -2------3--3------2--0--0--4-- -3---------1---------------2-- b....bend rb...release bend /....slide up ....slide down >....hammer
2 Comentaris
The Promise acabará cayendo, dentro de poco pero hay que esperar.
ResponEliminaUn abrazo
También es mi disco favorito. Oscuro y potente como pocos. Es una reedición verdaderamente importante, hecha con sentido y sin añadiduras tontas -tipo púas, pegatinas y demás chorradas-. Y "Candy´s Room": una maravilla más de este tipo:) Saludos.